
Cultivating A New You

Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

Rejection and Rediscovery: Embracing Acceptance and Belonging as an Adult Adoptee

Life's journey is a tapestry of experiences, and for adult adoptees, the thread of rejection can be woven into their narrative in a profound way. The longing for acceptance and belonging, often amplified by feelings of abandonment from their birth family, can cast a shadow over their path to self-discovery and fulfillment. However, it's important to remember that the story doesn't end with rejection; it begins with the journey towards self-acceptance, resilience, and ultimately finding a place of belonging.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

Embracing the Heartfelt Journey of Adoption: Navigating the Seven Core Issues: Loss

Welcome to a profound exploration of the emotional terrain that accompanies the beautiful journey of adoption! As a life coach and fellow adoptee, I understand the deep significance of adoption and the complexities it brings to the lives of both parents and children. In this heartfelt blog post, we will delve into the seven core issues of adoption: loss, rejection, grief, identity, control, guilt/shame, and intimacy/relationships. Embrace this voyage of understanding, healing, and growth, as we shed light on the emotional aspects of adoption and how to navigate them with compassion and strength.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

Unlocking the Art of Creating Safe Spaces: Building Bridges Not Walls

In a fast-paced world filled with digital interactions, finding a safe space for genuine conversations has become a rare gem. This article delves into the importance of creating such a space, where individuals can engage in open and meaningful discussions, fostering a sense of belonging and understanding. Let's explore the significance of providing a secure environment for conversations and its positive impact on building strong relationships.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

Adoption's Primal Wound: Understanding and Healing the Impact of Adoption

Adoption's Primal Wound is a profound emotional experience that can impact adoptees throughout their lives. Understanding its effects and actively working towards healing is essential for the well-being of adoptees and their families. By acknowledging the complexities of adoption, seeking professional support, and creating a loving and supportive environment, adoptive families can navigate this journey with compassion and strength.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

5 Ways to Overcome Abandonment After Divorce

Divorce can leave a profound sense of abandonment in its wake, triggering a range of complex emotions. It is crucial to acknowledge and process these feelings while seeking support from loved ones or professionals. Remember that healing takes time, and everyone's journey is unique. By focusing on self-care, rebuilding self-worth, and embracing new opportunities, it is possible to navigate the path forward after divorce and find a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

Rediscovering Ourselves: The Empty Nest Journey

Life is a journey filled with various phases, and as women, our roles and priorities shift and evolve over time. One significant transition that many of us experience is the moment when our children leave the nest, embarking on their own adventures. It's a bittersweet milestone, as we bid farewell to our primary caregiving role and enter a new chapter of life. But fear not, dear women, because this is an opportunity for reinvention and self-discovery. It's time to embrace the freedom and rediscover yourself as an empty nester. Let's dive into this exciting journey together!

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

Embracing Rejection: A Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery

Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it? Just when we think we have found our soulmate or the person we believed would be by our side forever, rejection enters the picture. It's a painful experience that can shatter our dreams and leave us feeling lost and broken. Yet, within the depths of rejection lies an opportunity for growth, resilience, and self-discovery. In this blog post, we'll explore the transformative power of embracing rejection from a spouse or loved one with compassion, allowing us to heal and find strength within ourselves.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

5 Signs You Are a People-Pleaser

What do you put up with because you fear rejection? For years I was your Yes girl. Whatever I was asked to do, I said yes to. Even if I was not asked, I volunteered.

When I was home schooling our 7 kids, I said yes to being a Cub scout leader, Co-op teacher, and anything else I was asked to do. I barely had time for it all and it caused me much stress. Years later, I realized I was a people pleaser.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

The Number 1 Habit Changer

When it comes to changing habits, focusing on your identity is more powerful than focusing on the specific outcome you want to achieve.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

The Trauma Side of Adoption

Having been adopted myself, a foster mom, and a grandmother to a beautiful, adopted child, I have seen this firsthand. I know how the disconnect and lack of trust can affect relationships. How the search for one’s identity becomes a lifelong quest, and belonging is your soul yearning. I know how deep the feeling of being unloved is embedded within. And the inner work it takes to come out from victim to victory! YOU are loved by your Creator! YOU are worth it!

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

5 Strategies for Overcoming Negative Talk

Have you ever heard the phrase you are what you think? If you are constantly engaging in negative self-talk, you may be creating serious self-esteem and mood problems. The trouble with negative thinking is that it can distort perception of reality.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

Step By Step Guide to Setting Boundaries

Establishing and maintaining healthy personal boundaries is essential for our self-respect, self-esteem, and overall mental health. It allows us to prioritize our needs and desires, communicate our needs effectively, and build healthy relationships with others.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

The 5 Benefits of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the act of pardoning someone for their wrongdoing or offense. It involves letting go of feelings of anger, resentment, or vengeance towards the person who has hurt you, and choosing to move forward without holding onto negative emotions.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

The Best Way to Change Your Outlook on Life

Do you wake up each day in a bad mood and feeling unmotivated? Sometimes we fall into a slump, and it is hard to get out. We wonder why everything always happens to us. We live our lives waiting for that next bad thing to happen.

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Hadassah Bauer Hadassah Bauer

4 Ways to Feel More Connected

It can be challenging to feel disconnected from others, and it's important to address those feelings. Here are some tips that might help:

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