I help women who have lost connection with themselves, their dreams and their relationships, as a result of breaches of trust, abandonment and trauma from their divorce or adoption.

Your Roadmap to Healing:

Ways to Work with Me

Transforming Your Narrative: A Journey to Healing the Heart of Adoption


Embark on a 3-month transformative journey of self-discovery and healing with our comprehensive one on one coaching program designed specifically for adoptees seeking to navigate and heal from the seven core issues of adoption. This program is a safe and empowering space where you can unravel the complexities of adoption, address the profound emotions you've experienced, and pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

1. Embracing Loss: Together, we'll honor the profound sense of loss that often accompanies adoption. By acknowledging and processing these emotions, we create a foundation for healing and growth, transforming pain into resilience.

2. Healing Rejection: The scars of perceived rejection find solace here. We'll explore strategies to navigate feelings of abandonment, fostering a renewed sense of belonging and self-worth that empowers your journey.

3. Liberating Guilt and Shame: Unburden yourself from the weight of unwarranted guilt and shame. Our course creates a nurturing space to confront these emotions, replacing them with self-compassion and self-acceptance.

4. Navigating Grief: Address the unique grief that you may face, whether due to the loss of biological connections or other aspects of the adoption process. Discover strategies to work through grief and build resilience.

5. Exploring Identity: Delve into the intricate realm of identity as an adoptee. Through introspection and guided exercises, gain insights into building a stronger sense of self and reconciling your adoptive and biological identities.

6. Reclaiming Control: Regain agency over your narrative. Explore the empowerment that comes with taking control of your life story, transforming your past into a wellspring of strength that propels you forward.

7. Forging Intimacy and Relationships: Explore the challenges adoptees often encounter in forming intimate relationships. Acquire tools to establish healthy connections, communicate effectively, and foster meaningful relationships.

This is a 3-month journey of self-love and healing. This program combines weekly private coaching, with guided discussions, meditations, visualization, daily journal prompts, somatic practices and individual reflection exercises to ensure a holistic and engaging learning experience.

Finding Closure: Managing Expectations and Emotions in Reunion


Embarking on the journey to reconnect with one's birth parents is a profound and emotional experience, and it requires a thoughtful and guided approach. "Finding Closure" is a transformative course designed specifically for adult adoptees who are considering or actively searching for their birth parents. This 3-month private coaching program offers a comprehensive exploration of the emotional terrain associated with reunion, providing practical tools and strategies to navigate this complex and deeply personal journey. You don’t have to navigate this alone.

Key Focus Areas:

  1. Understanding Emotional Dynamics: Delve into the emotional complexities that often accompany the search for birth parents. Learn to recognize and manage the range of emotions that may arise, from anticipation and excitement to potential disappointment. Develop emotional intelligence to navigate these dynamics with resilience.

  2. Setting Realistic Expectations: One of the key challenges in reunion is managing expectations. This course guides participants in setting realistic expectations for the reunion process, helping them approach the experience with an open heart while acknowledging the uncertainties that may arise.

  3. Effective Communication Strategies: Learn essential communication skills to facilitate healthy and constructive interactions with birth parents. From the initial contact to ongoing relationships, participants will gain insights into expressing their own needs, listening empathetically, and establishing boundaries.

  4. Self-Discovery and Identity: Explore the impact of reunion on personal identity and self-discovery. Understand how this journey can contribute to a deeper understanding of oneself, one's history, and the complex tapestry of identity that comes with being an adoptee.

  5. Building a Support System: Recognize the importance of building and maintaining a strong support network during the reunion process. Explore ways to communicate with friends, family, and fellow adoptees, fostering connections that provide emotional support and understanding.

Program Format: This program combines weekly private coaching, with guided discussions, meditations, visualization, daily journal prompts and individual reflection exercises to ensure a holistic and engaging learning experience.

Outcome: By the end of our time, you will emerge with a deeper understanding of yourself, enhanced emotional resilience, gain practical tools for emotional regulation. "Finding Closure" empowers you to approach the search for your birth parents with mindfulness, compassion, and a sense of emotional preparedness. I am also available to mediate between parties.

Having a step-by-step plan and accountability can help you achieve anything in your life!

A Journal written by an adoptee for adoptees!

"Unraveling Your Adoption Journey" seamlessly blends therapeutic exercises with creative prompts, providing a holistic approach to self-discovery. Navigate through topics such as heritage, abandonment, identity, inner child, trust and the emotional terrain of adoption, guiding you to uncover the threads that weave together the tapestry of your life.

Open the pages of "Unraveling Your Adoption Journey" and embark on a transformative voyage of self-discovery — a journey that transcends the boundaries of adoption, leading you to a place of self-acceptance, resilience, and profound understanding.

Learning to trust and love yourself is the first step.

You have spent a long-time building walls in your relationships. By learning to trust and love yourself, you can learn to trust others more intimately.

Start a new relationship with yourself now.