Understanding and Overcoming Anger as an Adoptee: 3 Effective Tips

Feeling angry? I get it. Anger can be a tangled mess, especially for us adoptees. There are so many reasons behind it—like feeling abandoned, struggling with our identity, or just wanting to belong somewhere. But don't worry, I've got your back. Let's break it down and find some solutions together.

The Roots of Your Anger

1. Feeling Abandoned and Rejected: Being separated from our biological parents can leave some deep scars. Even if we're surrounded by love from our adoptive family, that initial loss can still sting. It's like a wound that never quite heals, flaring up whenever something reminds us of what we've lost.

2. Identity Struggles: Ever feel like you're searching for something, but you're not quite sure what? That's the identity struggle talking. Questions about where we come from, who we are, and where we fit in can leave us feeling lost and frustrated, especially during those awkward teenage years.

3. Need for Acceptance and Belonging: We all want to feel like we belong somewhere. But sometimes, it feels like we're on the outside looking in, even within our own families. That feeling of not fitting in can stir up a whole lot of anger and confusion.

3 Tips to Overcome Your Anger

1. Speak Up: Don't keep those feelings bottled up. Find someone you trust—a friend, a therapist, a coach even a journal—and let it out. Creating a safe space for yourself to express your emotions can work wonders.

2. Find Yourself: Take some time to explore who you are and where you come from. Dive into your cultural roots, pursue your passions, and celebrate what makes you unique. It's all about embracing who you are and finding your place in the world.

3. Stay Cool: When anger strikes, it's easy to lose control. But with the right coping strategies, you can keep your cool. Try out mindfulness techniques, get moving with some physical activity, or sharpen your problem-solving skills. You'll be surprised at how much power you have over your emotions.

In Conclusion

Anger doesn't have to rule your life. By tackling the root causes, finding your voice, and staying grounded, you can take back control and build a life filled with love and understanding. And hey, if you're ready to take that first step, I'm here to help. Let's make a change together—starting with you.

If you are ready to make a change, let’s talk. Change yourself, change your family, change your legacy.

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Unraveling Your Adoption Journey: Journal Prompts for the Adoptee’s Journey of Self-Discovery

Unraveling Your Adoption Journey is a journal filled with thoughtful journal prompts to help you process all aspects of your adoption journey. Chapters include Unraveling Your Past, Examining the Adoption Process, Recognizing Patterns and Beliefs, Cultivating Self-Trust, Rebuilding Self-esteem, Healing the Inner Child, Exploring Identity, Building Healthy Relationships, and Crafting Your Future. This journal is written by an adoptee especially for adoptees! Available on Amazon.

Link to Amazon


Attachment 101: How Adoptees Can Build Healthier Relationships


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