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5 Strategies for Overcoming Negative Talk

Have you ever heard the phrase you are what you think? If you are constantly engaging in negative self-talk, you may be creating serious self-esteem and mood problems. The trouble with negative thinking is that it can distort perception of reality. Some common negative thoughts include:

  1. All-or-nothing thinking: Seeing things as completely black or white, with no shades of gray in between.

  2. Overgeneralization: Drawing broad conclusions based on a single event or experience.

  3. Catastrophizing: Imagining the worst-case scenario in any given situation.

  4. Personalization: Taking everything personally and feeling responsible for things that are outside of your control.

  5. Mind-reading: Assuming you know what others are thinking without any evidence to support it.

If you find yourself engaging in negative thinking patterns, there are several strategies you can try to overcome them. These include:

  1. Recognize negative thoughts: Start by becoming aware of your negative thoughts and labeling them for what they are.

  2. Challenge negative thoughts: Once you have identified negative thoughts, challenge them by looking for evidence to support or contradict them.

  3. Replace negative thoughts: Replace negative thoughts with more positive, realistic, and constructive thoughts.

  4. Practice gratitude: Focusing on the things you are grateful for can help shift your mindset to a more positive one.

  5. Seek support: Talking to a trusted friend or a coach can help you gain perspective and develop coping strategies for negative thoughts.

Overcoming negative self-talk is one form of inner work you can do, but it can have some big results.

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