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The Number 1 Habit Changer

The most effective way to change your habits is not to focus on what you want to achieve, but to focus on who you want to become. When it comes to changing habits, focusing on your identity is more powerful than focusing on the specific outcome you want to achieve.

The idea behind this is that your habits are ultimately a reflection of how you see yourself.  If you want to change a habit, it's not enough to simply try to change the behavior itself. You also need to shift your identity or self-image to be consistent with the new behavior.

 For example, if you want to become someone who exercises regularly, you can't just focus on the goal of working out three times a week. Instead, you need to focus on becoming someone who prioritizes their health and values physical fitness as a part of their identity. By doing this, the behavior of exercising regularly becomes a natural extension of who you are.

 Therefore, the most effective way to change your habits is to focus on who you want to become, rather than just what you want to achieve. This involves shifting your identity to align with the new habit and building systems and routines that support that identity. Over time, these changes can lead to lasting habit changes and personal growth.

Imagine the woman you want to be. Think of what her daily life, her habits, and routines would be. Start showing up to those habits and routines, start building them step by step and day by day. You don’t become her like magic.  You build her. 

Let’s start building.