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Why Investing in Yourself as an Adoptee is the Greatest Gift You Can Give

I hear it all the time from fellow adoptees, and I’ve been there myself. The reasons we come up with to avoid investing in ourselves are endless. And, let’s be honest, they often feel like valid concerns.

“I’m not worth it.”
“It won’t fix anything.”
“I’ve been fine this long, why now?”

But what if I told you these objections are not rooted in truth? What if they’re actually just the stories we’ve been telling ourselves to avoid the discomfort of growth?

The “I’m Not Worth It” Trap

This one hits close to home for many adoptees. Feeling unworthy can be woven into our experience, especially if we've struggled with rejection or abandonment. But here's the truth: you are inherently worthy, just as you are.

When you say you’re not worth investing in, you’re placing conditions on your value. You’re tying your self-worth to external factors — maybe your past experiences, relationships, or achievements. But you deserve to grow, to heal, and to live in freedom, no matter what.

The objection isn’t that you’re not worth it; it’s that you’ve been led to believe that lie for so long it feels true. Breaking free from that mindset is hard, but investing in yourself is one way to start dismantling that narrative.

“It Won’t Fix Anything”

I get it. You’ve been through therapy, read the books, done the work. Maybe you’ve started healing but feel like some things will always stay the same. But let me tell you something — growth and healing are not a one-time event; they’re a journey. Investing in yourself is less about “fixing” and more about deepening your connection to who you truly are.

No one can promise you a life free of challenges. But what investing in yourself can do is give you tools, support, and insight to navigate those challenges with resilience and grace.

Maybe nothing needs “fixing” because you aren’t broken. But maybe you’re ready to expand into the person you’re becoming.

“I’ve Been Fine This Long, Why Now?”

If you’ve made it this far, you’re already strong. You’ve survived things you once thought were unbearable. So it’s easy to say, “I’ve been fine this long; why change anything now?”

But is fine all you want? Fine can be the default mode, a survival state. What if you’re not here just to be “fine,” but to thrive?

You don’t have to wait for a crisis or a breakdown to start investing in yourself. You’re allowed to want more — more peace, more joy, more self-compassion. You’re allowed to invest in your well-being, not because something is wrong, but because you deserve better than just fine.

“It’s Too Expensive”

When we talk about investing, it’s easy to think of dollars and cents. And yes, therapy, coaching, courses, or retreats have a cost. But think about it this way: what’s the cost of not investing in yourself? How much energy have you spent trying to manage your pain or ignoring it altogether? How many relationships have been impacted by unresolved hurt?

You don’t need to pour thousands of dollars into fancy retreats to invest in yourself. Sometimes it’s as simple as starting a journal, taking a class, or joining a support group. The point is that you’re choosing you.

The value of your emotional and mental well-being is priceless. The question becomes: are you willing to give yourself permission to invest in that?

The Bottom Line

Adoptees often feel like we need to justify investing in ourselves because we’ve spent much of our lives wondering if we even deserve to be loved, accepted, or understood. But here’s the truth — you are worthy of every bit of investment you put into yourself.

The objections you have to investing in yourself? They’re just fear in disguise. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of what might happen if you finally break free of those old patterns.

But here’s what I know for sure: investing in yourself is the greatest act of self-love you can give. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, not just to you but to everyone in your life.

If you’re ready to go beyond fine and into the freedom that’s waiting for you, don’t let those objections hold you back. You are worth the investment.

Let’s do this together. Schedule your FREE sessions today and start investing in YOU!